Xactimate Estimating Service
Premium Xactimate Supplements and Estimates
Xactimate supplements with QPC save time. Premium Xactimate estimating service. Outsource Xactimate supplements and make more money with estimates that pay. On time accurate estimates, and all of that by the best in the industry, QuickPay Claims, LLC!
Industry Partners
Xactimate Supplements and Estimates for Asbestos. Hurricanes. Water. Mold. And more...
Xactimate supplements and estimates are billed by the hour. Not all Xactimate supplements or estimates are the same. We use our decades of experience in the industry to get your Xactimate supplement services or estimate done quickly, saving you money with our low hourly rate of $99 per hour (interior restoration billed at $125/hour not to exceed 1.5%). Some companies charge a percentage of the increase making what could be a $150 estimate a $1000+ estimate instead. We believe in giving a superior service at a great hourly rate. Our Xactimate estimating service for contractors is unmatched.
What counts towards the time? The time we spend on your estimate includes the actual time studying the insurance estimate, pictures, and other submitted materials, writing the professional supplement or estimate, consultations with contractors when necessary, making photo reports, etc. Even though all of this goes into making your Xactimate Supplement or estimate, the price can be as low as $49.50 for a basic non-complicated roof job.
You the contractor can actually help to keep your estimate cost down! How so? Make sure that you submit everything we need on our submit page and only give us photos of the essentials. We spend a lot of time looking through photos of every dent on a pipe jack or every impact on a shingle, or every water spot in a leaking ceiling, or every crack or chip in a piece of glass. As a good rule of thumb, if you only give us a couple of pictures of each type of damage, this will be more than enough to write your Xactimate supplement or estimate.
With our industry leading fair pricing, you will experience a greater ROI and be able to help your clients get back in their homes.

Asbestos Xactimate Estimates

Water Xactimate Supplements and estimates

Mold Remediation Xactimate Estimates
$150 Minimum
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Helpful content for restoration contractors

Xactimate Estimating Service for Contractors
An Xactimate estimating service is a service that provides a professional Xactimate estimate for restoration and roofing contractors. Why is this service essential and how much does it cost? Let’s find out.
Xactimate estimating service – an essential one
Contractors and home owners deal with insurance companies when some loss occurs. Contractors get called out, sometimes in the middle of the night and the expenses for the home owner start accruing. The insurance company sends an adjuster to the scene to assess the damage and run it through Xactimate to get an amount of money the insurance company is willing to pay.
Sometimes the insurance companies, looking out for their own interest in the matter, don’t include everything that they should in the estimate. What can a restoration contractor to do? An independent estimator can provide an Xactimate estimating service that will include everything that really needs to be done. The contractor presents this revised Xactimate estimate to the insurance company. The insurance company will then likely give more for the job.
How much does it cost?
Xactimate estimating service prices vary from company to company. Some companies are charging a minimum percentage of the total estimate and some a percentage of the increase. Other companies charge an hourly rate and some a fixed rate.
Which one is best? Here at QuickPay Claims, LLC we have chosen to go with a reasonable hourly rate. We think this is the best because contractors get a great Xactimate estimate, supplement, or invoice at a very reasonable price. We make less money per estimate, but our clients keep coming back time and time again and they are very happy.
We charge $99 per hour billed in 10 minute increments. This means that if your estimate takes us 40 minutes to complete then you’ll pay just $66. Interior rebuild estimates are $125 per hour also billed in 10 minute increments. Click here to submit an estimate now.
As professionals, we pride ourselves on our high quality Xactimate estimates and we are confident you will be delighted with our Xactimate services.

Frozen Pipe Water Damage Restoration
Walking in a winter wonderland may sound nice after a long hot summer. You may really enjoy the snow and the cold. The warm fireplace and a cup of hot chocolate. It all sounds very appealing doesn’t it? While this time of year is appealing, it also comes with its challenges for homeowners. What challenge are we referring to? The season is not just winter. It’s also frozen pipe season and therefore, frozen pipe water damage restoration season as well.. Frozen pipe season happens when the temperatures drop and water that sits in pipes freezes. As we know, water expands when it freezes. When this happens, the pipe sometimes doesn’t expand well and then breaks. When this pipe thaws out and the water flows again, there can be a flood. Water damage occurs.
The Water Damage Restoration Contractor
For the restoration contractor, frozen pipe water damage restoration is urgent. When the call comes in about standing water in a house or water leaking from somewhere, action must be taken quickly. The water damage restoration expert will arrive 24 hours per day 7 days per week whenever the emergency happens. The contractor will quickly assess where the leak is coming from and determine how to stop it. Once the leak is located and stopped the restoration work can begin.
Depending on where your frozen pipe is, the restoration contractor may have to remove parts of ceilings, walls, floors, or other damaged areas. These damaged areas can sometimes be dried out and reinstalled. Other times, what is removed will have to be replaced in order to restore the area to its pre-loss condition. Frozen pipe water damage can take a big toll on the house itself as well as the occupants. The occupants will need to adjust their lifestyle a little while the home is restored if the damage is significant. For this reason, a frozen pipe water damage restoration company will try to get things done as quick as possible to restore the home to its original state.
Frozen Pipe Water Damage Restoration Xactimate Invoice
For restoration contractors, a water damage restoration job is unique in another way as well. It is best to have an estimate from the insurance first when damage isn’t urgent like on some roof jobs. However, that is not usually possible when it comes to water damage emergencies. In that case, the contractor must provide the insurance company with an Xactimate invoice. How can the contractor ensure they get paid fairly for the job? Having an Xactimate professional to make the invoice can really improve the bottom line on the water damage restoration job.
Unless someone is an Xactimate expert with decades of experience, it will be unlikely that they will include absolutely everything that they are allowed to include on the invoice. There are over 11,000 line items in Xactimate. Unless the contracting company knows all of them, it would be best to get some Xactimate help from an independent professional.
Xactimate Services Free Quote
Xactimate Services for contractors include Xactimate estimates, supplements, and invoices. Xactimate is the most widely used insurance estimating software on the market today. Because of that, contractors do well to have an expert in the field who can write these estimates and supplements for them. Doing so usually results in getting more out of each job. One problem is that sometimes the contractor wants to know how much the estimate or roofing supplement will cost and how much increase they will experience before paying for a service. In this industry, the contractor submits their job documents and they end up with a result they can submit to the insurance company and then they pay for it. What if it was possible though to know about how much the estimate would cost and what the increase could be before submitting and agreeing to pay for an estimating service? That could make life easier, especially if someone is trying to decide whether to use a particular supplementing company.
Xactimate Services Free Quote Now Available!
QuickPay Claims, LLC is proud to announce that we have developed an easy solution to know how much an estimate will cost before a contractor submits the claim to us. Now, before submitting an estimate you may choose to get a free quote. It could be possible that the insurance adjuster didn’t miss a thing and that the increase would be very little. In General, when our estimates come out with about a 30% increase over what the insurance adjuster said.
Another reason a contractor may want a free quote from us is to decide if they want to use our Xactimate services. We have been in this business for a very very long time. Not only as insurance Xactimate professionals but also as contractors like you. If you do not yet know us and are not acquainted with our work, we encourage you to get in touch. Let us show you that when it comes to professional Xactimate services, there is no better option available than QuickPay Claims, LLC. Get your free quote and see what we can do.
How to Get Your Free Quote
Getting your Xactimate Serivces quote for any particular job is really easy. Fill out our very quick form here. Once you fill out our form, you will receive a response within 24 hours either by email or by phone. We will let you know what our Xactimate expert thinks. You will know how much your Xactimate estimate or supplement will cost you and you so you can plan well. Increases vary from job to job and it is relatively impossible to estimate the increase for a particular job without actually doing all of the work to make an estimate. For that reason, we will tell you right now that we average about a 30-35% increase. Some clients have experienced over a 100% increase. If you are happy with your free quote then you can submit everything you have for the job and we will get your official Xactimate estimate completed quickly. Your estimate will come with your business name and logo on it.
So there you have it. A free Xactimate quote is now possible with QuickPay Claims, LLC. You can know before hand what your potential ROI will be and make the best decision for your restoration company, roofing company, water mitigation company, or whatever type of contracting company you have.
Click here to get your free quote now!
Hurricane Delta Batters the Gulf Coast
As Hurricane Delta batters the gulf Coast Friday, our thoughts are with everyone there, hoping for the best. We know that these things are unfortunate circumstances and sometimes people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thankfully though, there are many amazing restoration contractors that are on standby to help. These restoration contractors will come rushing in after the storm to start helping families. Restoration contractors will help to pick up the pieces that have been battered and beaten by Delta. We will mourn with those who mourn, and we will also be on standby to help those who help. Restoration contractors are desirous of restoring what was lost. QuickPay Claims, LLC helps restoration contractors to do that. How do we help contractors to help their clients?
Exact Xactimate Estimates
We have been on the front line of the restoration world as well. We are experienced restoration contractors as well as other professionals related to the insurance and restoration industry. We have over 70 years of combined experience just waiting to help the restoration contractors with hurricane Delta. We have team members who have been using Xactimate since 1994. Why is this important? When it comes to performing the best restoration job possible, it is essential to have all the funds needed. Out of the box, the insurance company is not going to catch everything or give what they should right away. We can look over everything and make the needed changes so contractors can get what they need to do the best job possible.
Claims Consultation
Contractors often need someone to consult with about the claims process. We are happy to provide this to select contractors along the way. At the end of the day we are all on the same team. We all want families to be restored to what they were before. For us, spending a few minutes on the phone consulting with a client of ours is a pleasure. We know it is for the greater good and we are proud to support our clients, the restoration contractors, in this way.
So as the storm rages on and the gulf coast is left picking up the pieces, remember that QuickPay Claims, LLC is here to help restoration contractors. Restoration contractors can easily submit a claim right here on our website by clicking here. We are aware of what is coming and know what it takes to help everyone through this. Please do not hesitate to submit your claim right here on our website or to chat with us or call if you have any questions.
Xactimate Supplements and Estimates in 3 Steps
Xactimate Supplements and Estimates are critical to the restoration contractor’s bottom line. How is it that Xactimate Supplements can help a restoration contractor? Can this be done in house or can it be outsourced? What are the benefits of having Xactimate supplements written for a restoration or roofing project? We will discuss all of these one by one and see how you can outsource your Xactimate supplements and estimates in three easy steps.
How can an Xactimate supplement help?
In the times that we are living right now, everyone seems to be losing out. Insurance companies are taking very big hits with recent wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, and other disasters. These disasters are unprecedented. On top of that, we have COVID-19 to deal with right now which is putting people out of work and slimming the workforce. Insurance companies have always tried to protect their bottom line while providing a level of value for their customers. When those customers have a claim, the company will send out an adjuster to estimate how much the insurance company will pay to get the property restored to its prior condition.
There are always items that are or could be needed on a restoration job that the insurance company doesn’t put in their original estimate. Knowing what these items are helps to increase the amount the contractor can get for the claim. When these are put together into an Xactimate supplement and submitted to the insurance company, the result is usually an increase in the value of the claim. So we can see that a supplement is key to getting the insurance company to increase what they will pay for a job. Now the question is; can this be done in house or should it be outsourced? Let’s see…
In house Vs. Outsourced
It is very possible that a restoration or roofing company can write Xactimate supplements and estimates in house. If the contractor has someone who has decades of experience in adjusting, using Xactimate, and that knows the over 10,000 line items in Xactimate, then they can keep it in house and maximize to the fullest extent possible. Companies that can have someone working full or part time to handle this important aspect of the business will benefit greatly from doing so. As it is though, many restoration and roofing companies do not have someone with that skillset and getting someone with that skillset would be very costly. There are online courses available to learn Xactimate, but they can’t teach you what decades of experience with the program and adjusting can. So what is another option? Outsourcing!
There are companies that work directly with contractors to create Xactimate supplements and estimates. These fulfill their purpose at a fraction of the cost of an attorney or of hiring someone in-house with an equal skillset. These companies have experienced adjusters, restoration contractors, roofers, etc. who have been in the field for decades and can write Xactimate supplements quickly and effectively.
QuickPay Claims, LLC for example is one such company. QuickPay claims has over 70 years of combined experience in the restoration, roofing, and adjusting fields. All of this is brought together to provide an outstanding product for clients at an affordable rate. For example, QuickPay Claims can make estimates for their clients from just $49.50. The average increase is 30-35% and oftentimes much much higher than that.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of having Xactimate supplements and estimates written for a roofing or restoration contractor are that at the end of the day, the contractor can take home more money and leave their clients happier. In a world where things are not very certain right now, clients who need to have their home restored shouldn’t have to worry about whether they will get what they need. Contractors can confidently give their clients what they need and also take home more money at the end of the day.
Three Easy Steps to an Xactimate Supplement or Estimate
UPDATE 2021: The process is now easier than three steps. ANY CONTRACTOR can submit an estimate now on our website. We may contact you before we do the estimate to answer any questions you may have about our Xactimate supplement and estimate services.
To submit an estimate in ONE easy step, just click here to go to our submission page. There is a 25 second instructional video there to help if you need it. You can also call us or chat with us in the bottom right of any page if you need assistance.
It’s that easy to outsource your Xactimate supplements and estimates. Work is billed in 10 minute increments from $99/hour with most estimates taking less than an hour to complete.
So we can see then, it is easy to get the Xactimate supplements and estimates that are needed to improve your bottom line and it can be done without having to hire someone who is an expert to do it in house.
Hurricane Damage Restoration to begin
Hurricane Damage Restoration to Begin
Hurricane damage restoration to begin soon. As the United States has braced itself for another hurricane, winds and flooding have swept through. For some this is an ordinary experience because of where they live. For others, maybe this is the first storm they’ve had to deal with. Whatever the case may be, there will be a mess to clean up and there will be property that has been damaged or destroyed by Sally.
The contractor role in hurricane damage restoration
Restoration contractors play a vital role in hurricane damage restoration. Contractors have to move in quickly to restore what was lost for home owners. Once it is safe, the area will be inundated with insurance adjusters and contractors. Contractors will receive estimates from insurance adjusters saying how much they are going to pay for the job. Now the contractor has to decide if they are willing to do the job for that price. Many contractors will say ok and accept what the insurance company is offering. Some wish they could get more out of the job so that they can restore the property properly.
Restoration contractors get more out of their jobs
Sometimes the insurance company does a good job and gives a fair price for doing the restoration work. However, oftentimes there is a lot that they miss. When the insurance adjuster misses details, that can end up costing the contractor more money or result in a home that may not be restored the way it could have. What is the solution? It is important to have someone who has been in the insurance claims and restoration business for decades to look over what the insurance company has proposed.
Insurance companies use a software called Xactimate to estimate what the cost of restoring a damaged property will be. There are third parties who have used Xactimate for decades as adjusters who now provide an Xactimate estimate writing service for restoration contractors. These professionals work directly with the contractor and can look at the pictures, look at what the insurance company has written, and re-write the Xactimate estimate. Contractors can then deliver the estimate to the insurance company. The result is often a significant difference in favor of the contractor, which results in a better restoration job and at no cost to the home owner.
With hurricane Sally raging on today, this process will be no different in the coming days. Contractors: get what you deserve out of your hard work. QuickPay Claims, LLC can help you get more out of your insurance restoration jobs. QuickPay claims will work directly with you the contractor leaving the home owner unaffected and happy with the restoration work you have completed for them.